每日護膚第一步:Physiogel Cleanser

好久沒有寫 beauty,這裡我每天都以大嬸 look 返學,一身衛衣牛仔褲素顏,醒眼惺忪求其紮個髻 ( 阿柑 look ) 仆出門口趕返學,的確沒什麼好 share,唯有寫寫 skincare 吧。

某年因額頭起勢爆瘡,非常不尋常的爆到開花,於是跑到浸會醫院看皮膚科。那個他媽的黃綠醫生用了 0.01 秒瞄一瞄我,就斷估的說是青春期油脂分泌問題,給了一小瓶藥膏跟一支 Physiogel Cleanser ( 中文名叫潔美淨 潔膚露 ) 就打發我走。當然,爆瘡情況完全沒有改善 ( 其後知道是內分泌問題 )。

一向不習慣用不起泡的洗面奶 cleanser,感覺像洗不乾淨,這支覺得不過不失,只是顴骨位有些少刺刺的感覺 ( 我的面皮是超薄那種,可以見到青筋 囧 ),但過了一段時候又沒有了,最後三分鐘熱度用完一支便沒有繼續用新的。

今年聖誕返家翻到支未開的 Physiogel Cleanser 囤貨,決心滅跡免得阿媽詐型,重用後卻覺得非常好。近來發現早上只用清水洗面 T-zone 位總感覺油油的,於是習慣用這洗面奶開始每日護膚第一步。減少了油垢垢的感覺,面頰位亦不會很乾,用時全臉洗都不會刺眼,現在很享受每朝洗臉,邊洗面邊輕輕按摩很舒服啊。

PHYSIOGEL是愛爾蘭敏感皮膚專用牌子,因為性質溫和、冇香料、冇皂性、冇防腐劑、冇色素、有保濕作用,連 baby 都用得,所以很多醫生都推介。醫生開貴很多,那時我買大概是 $110,之後自己到龍城藥房買都只不過 $78,300 ml 很耐用,亦可用來沖涼。

這個嘛,未用 Physiogel Cleanser 之前我就是用這支 Simple Moisturising Facial Wash。買時剛好特價 £2 ( 大約 $26,英國貨比在香港賣得更平 )。用了兩星期,乾到頂不了掉到一旁去,那 moisturising 的字眼完全貨不對版,還是留待夏天用,或該當 shower gel 幹掉它。

1 則留言:

  1. This Physiogel price was inflated un-reasonably in May 2012. I purchased them at $78 on 28th April from a local Chinese operated store, then I returned to purchase another one during the first week of May, the marked price is already at $87, so I asked the owner why the price went up so fast. So he called his distributor to verify right on the spot. It is even worst that the distributor told him on the phone that the sale price shall be $97 at local Chinese store as the marked price is $100+ at both big chained Personal Health stores in HK. A total increase is more than 20% in just 1 week. I also checked with other local chinese store in different districts on HK Island, Kowloon and NT, the price is already increased, one even priced it at $100. This owner of the store told me that the distributor of this product make them increase the price to this level.

    My observation is that the distributors in HK also control the retail price of the product rather than letting the retailor to set the optimal price.


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